Saturday, January 21, 2017

National Women's March: A Beginning to Benefit All

Today, I had the American opportunity to gather together with people of common purpose for the benefit of others. This is a remarkable opportunity that not many human beings are able to experience let alone dream about. 

Many critics will point to the few instances of violence or destructive acts that have taken place. That is in no way indicative of the millions that came out around the world in peace, for justice, and with equality for all in mind.

It was inspiring and heartening to see so many people of different ages, genders, races, religions, sexualities, and disabilities come together out of solidarity. 

These people were not there for themselves. They were there to help defend the rights of all people. That is a deeply felt principle for most of the participants in these Marches across the country today. 
+Wonderful World

This was in stark contrast to some of the bitterness, the anger, and the burning outrage that I’ve witnessed online since the election from both extremes. 

Why bother understanding someone who will never bother to understand us?

How could we understand or have compassion for someone who actively or passively damages others through their words, actions, or by simply standing by?

Because not doing so damages not only ourselves but others as well. And, perhaps, understanding these people will yield some guidance as to how to better approach these situations and people that have a different set of experiences and opinions from ourselves. 

+Wonderful World
It takes mental and emotional energy to bother to attempt understanding of others, especially when these attempts are met with resentment, hostility, and worse. 

What is the alternative? Waiting for them to die? Treating them as they have treated others? 

I simply cannot find a suitable, rational reason that would condone perpetuating such a negative and reactionary cycle.

“When they go low, we go high!”

This is not just a slogan, but a way of being, a way of responding to all others. 

That does not mean you sit down and take it. This is why so many good-intentioned people showed up in so many cities across this country and around the world today. 
+Wonderful World

We are not going to remain silent. We will not remain in our seats. We are going to do something about what’s happening. 

We’re just going to do this in an extraordinary way, that lifts the dialogue and places emphasis on action, not denigration. 

Be involved in your community. Start going to city council and county board meetings. Connect with people that have a broad range of beliefs, opinions, and political ideologies. 

We really are not so different. We’re just being misled. Hold ourselves accountable, that way we can hold officials accountable without being hypocritical.

There is much that we should be thankful and hopeful for in this time of change and challenging adversity. We can do something about it. We have a system of government that does give us many opportunities to have our voices heard. 

We just have to act. We just have to listen. We just have to start.

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